Опубликован 2021-07-08

Problems with collaborative work and some possible solutions


This article deals with problems with collaborative work and its possible solutions. Works and opinions of some scholars and researchers are analyzed and summarized.

Как цитировать

Kabulov, Z. (2021). Problems with collaborative work and some possible solutions. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 2(7). извлечено от https://natscience.jdpu.uz/index.php/fll/article/view/2222

Библиографические ссылки

Harmer Jeremy. The Practice of Teaching English. – Longman. 2000. – 386 p.

Patel M.F. English Language Teaching. – Sunrise Publishers, India. 2008. – 201 p.

Karshiyeva R. M. The methods of grammar competence in gfl lessons 57-59 international conference innovative research of the XXI century science and education indonesia 2021 6.04

Karshiyeva R. & ,M. Die Bedeutung der Sprichwörter in englischer und deutscher Sprache 273-274 the 2nd international conference on XXI century skills in language teaching and learning april 9, 2021

Karshieva , R &.Ismatova , D., (2021). THE APPLICATION OF VARIOUS METHODS IN TEACHING CORRECTENGLISH LANGUAGE PRONUNCIATION IN SCHOOLS. Матеріали конференцій Молодіжної наукової ліги. вилучено із https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/11509

Karshieva , R. Uralova , S., & (2021). COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO THE ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE CHILDREN’S COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE THROUGH GAME-BASED ACTIVITIES. Матеріали конференцій Молодіжної наукової ліги. вилучено із https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/liga/article/view/11510

Qarshiyeva, R. (2021). DIE BEDEUTUNG DER SPRICHWÖRTER IN ENGLISCHER UND DEUTSCHER SPRACHE. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 2(3).

Qarshiyeva, Ruzigul. "DIE BEDEUTUNG DER SPRICHWÖRTER IN ENGLISCHER UND DEUTSCHER SPRACHE." Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики 2, no. 3 (2021).

Karshiyeva R. M. The Meaning of Proverbs in English and German 273-274 the 2nd International Conference on the Skills of the 21st Century in Language Teaching and Learning on April 9, 2021

Научных Публикаций JSPI.


Zoxidjon Kabulov


Ключевые слова:

practical, logistical, organizational, demotivative effects, collaborative, dominant, student passengers;

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